Cutest Nephew in Texas

I have the cutest nephew in Texas. Tracy and Andy had come out early this morning to [graciously] help me set up for my event. Kelton was dressed for the occasion. He had his little doggie hat on, his waffle shirt, blue jeans and his fleece jacket–it was a bit cool early today.
I had a doggie basket full of toys and I picked one up that squeaks and I squeezed it. Kelton thought that was the funniest thing ever–he was literally cracking up. So cute. Then of course he put those yummy fingers back in his mouth!

Hey, so I may be biased but I vote him as one of the cutest things ever!
Published in: on October 18, 2008 at 9:46 pm  Comments (1)  

Fall Fido Fest ’08

We had our Fall Fido Fest today. It was fun but very exhausting. David was great help and he walked a lot of dogs for me, for clients and for some of the rescues. Dogs like him.

The weather was very nice and I tried to sit as much as possible. However my legs and back hurt quite a bit. I’ve got the cankles to prove it. Yup. Here they are in all their glory. Purdy, eh? Yeah my feet are propped as I type, trying to get the swelling to go down.

Ok. Well David just suggested we go to Cheesecake Factory for some dessert. I’m in. I’ll blog later! . . . .

Published in: on October 18, 2008 at 5:59 pm  Leave a Comment