Big Girls Don’t Cry.

My little cutie pie is getting so big! She’ll be 9 months on the 28th of this month . . . I can’t believe it! She now has her two bottom teeth all the way in and they are so incredibly cute when she smiles at you. And speaking of smiles she does that just about all the time. It’s so heartwarming. She’s got a lot of hair, David put it in a mohawk after her bath.

Last week Sophie was sick for the first time in her life. I keep saying it’s all the probiotics I add to her food. I’ve added probiotics to her formula since she was 3 weeks old and still do so. Anyway, she had a fever for a couple of days but no infection. The doctor said she had a “summer cold” and we could just give Tylenol and Bendedryl. She bounced back about mid-week last week and now she’s back to being her little happy self!

Crawling is rather speedy and she pulls up on her knees only. She’s not standing yet and I’m perfectly fine with that. She loves Amos and the rest of the dogs. Amos actually just lies there and she is very interested in his big paws and toenails. It’s funny. Noah and Trevor steer clear of her and Jake also just lies there and lets her get really close.

Here is a video of my happy little blue-eyed gal.

I’m still working diligently with Harry and he’s coming along nicely. I sure hope you all can make the competition–yes, you in the front row, I’m talking to you. Here is my schedule for the weekend. The horses being shown that go from mustangs to trained horses will be there as well. We are mingled in the same show. Here is the schedule for the weekend (Legends is the Horse Show):


Move in day – Dogs to arrive after 10 AM

5 PM TRAINER’S MEETING – Dining Room in Watt Arena

7PM Trainers/Sponsors/Judges Reception at National Cowgirl Hall of Fame Museum


(No ticket required – Open to the public.)

John Justin Arena

8AM – 2PM Idols In-Hand

Legends In-Hand

3PM – 7PM Idols Horse Course

7:30 PM Mission :008 Youth Competition

Mustang Magic Draw

Mutt Makeover Preliminary (Large Dirt Arena)

Mutt Makeover Arena

5PM – 6PM Meet the Mutts


(Ticket required for Saturday Night Finals Performance. Buy tickets here.)

John Justin Arena

8AM – 1PM Legends Horse Course

2 PM Mission :008 Youth Top Ten Finals

4 PM Idols Top Ten Finals

Mutt Makeover Arena

1PM – 2PM Mutt Makeover Preliminary (50’ X 50’ Astro Turf Area)


7 PM Legends Top Ten Finals Performance

Mutt Makeover Top Three Finals Performance

Published in: on August 18, 2009 at 7:43 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. haha, Josh still does the mohawk to Stephanie's hair in the bath. Boulder just lays around while Stephanie plays with his paws or sits on him….Roxy steers clear but no place is safe from a climbing toddler 😉 What is it with kids and a dogs paws??

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