Knee Pads.

First off Sophie’s still and Grandma and Grandpa Greers as I type this. She spent the night last night and so David and I went on a date. We went to dinner and to see Harry Potter. It was nice but Sophie hasn’t been away from us in a few months now and I discovered that I really missed her all night. David woke up this morning and was happy to sleep in. I can’t sleep in. Too much to do and I’m used to getting up with the cutie pie anyway. So I’ll try to get some things done before we meet to go get her.
Onto some Litta News (Litta is Sophie, BTW) . . . Sophie’s on the move big time and she mixes in actual baby crawling with the army crawl. She still feels more comfortable army crawling and can do it pretty quickly but she’ll stop, put that hiney in the air, lift her legs and then move some more. It’s funny. You can see the gears moving in her little head trying to figure it all out.

She also likes to crawl over to my bunny slippers, which I wear all the time, and grab at them. Pretty cute. I took this cute shot of her. I said, “Whatcha got there?” and she looked right up at the camera so here it is.

Due to all her new found adventures she’s got some pretty red knees. David took some old socks of hers and cut them to make some knee pads.

Published in: on July 19, 2009 at 7:52 am  Comments (3)