Happy Birthday, America!

Well we went to Austin for the July 4th weekend to stay at my mom’s. It was David, me, Sophie, Tracy, Andy and Kelton. It was a busy weekend but it sure was fun. Sophie did her first night of sleeping all way through without a dream-feed and she slept from 6:45pm-8:30am the next morning! It was so nice!

We BBQed out on Saturday evening in Mom’s nice, newly-landscaped backyard! She’s got a heck of a set-up and it’s perfect for these little get-togethers! She’s got a hammock too and I swung back and forth in it with the kiddos for a bit. They both giggled and giggled.

Our trip to and from Austin was pretty easy, as far as Sophie goes. The traffic was terrible! We stopped a few times on the way home but overall Sophie did great, sleeping much of the time or talking to us.

It was a nice weekend for some relaxation! God Bless America!

Published in: on July 6, 2009 at 3:29 pm  Comments (2)