Where is Waldo?

Can you find the Jack Russell in this photo?

I find it funny that my dogs sun in this heat. They always have. Oh and yes, that is Jake with his cone of shame. Poor guy. Even Sophie laughs at him. She will be lying on the floor and she stares and laughs, literally. It’s cute. And Kelton walked up to Jake’s crate and did the baby sign for “hat” (tapping your head with your hand). Tracy and I started cracking up, “Yes, Kelton Jake has a funny hat on his head!”

Well we are leaving for the weekend to go to Austin and see mom, David and the rest of the fam there. I’ll post more after the weekend. Mom hasn’t gotten wireless internet so I can’t log on there. Ho-hum.

Have a great 4th of July, be safe!!

Published in: on July 2, 2009 at 1:05 pm  Leave a Comment  

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