What’s next?

Hmmm. Where to begin. This has been a crazy week, eh? I mean loads of celebrity deaths and heat waves abound. I don’t know if I can handle much more! Things are just crazy! Good news is that the only death over here is that of some bugs, we’ve had loads of bugs and I’ve murdered them all. Good bye bugs you did not sell over 1 million records labeled “Thriller” so you hold no value. . . .

Thursday Tracy and Kelton spent the night at our house so we could price and organize more stuff for the garage sale to start early Friday morning. Kelsey came over to watch both babies while we were in the garage on Friday. She also watched them Thursday afternoon while we ran some errands. I bet that wore her out! Which brings me to the latest . . . Kelsey, our new nanny. I have had her for about 3 weeks now (maybe more) and we really like her! She’s great. First of all she lives literally 2 minutes from me, if that. She does dishes, laundry and vacuuming as well as babysit! She knows a whole lot of sign language and she uses it all the time with Sophie! She’s great and I’m glad we found her!

I got Sophie a bathing suit and a little baby pool that is just darling–looks like a hippo and even has a shade over it, but she hates it. She cries when I put her in it and now even cries if we go near it, literally. So we’ll try swimming later for her. But her bathing suit is the cutest thing ever. I did get some pics of her in that.

The garage sale went alright. We sold lots of stuff. It was hot and tiring, I will admit. We still have lots of stuff left over so we are going to try to craigslist some of it and then we will donate the other stuff leftover. I’m ready to get my garage back. It’s been filled with stuff for months now!

David and I tried to get some video of Sophie as she rocks back and forth like a little speed demon and it appears that she’s going to just launch off of her blanket! She’s a scootin’ and I know she’ll be crawling soon. I’m not too worried or too encouraging as I like her still immobile! I just know everything will change once she’s gettin’ around–yikes!

This next week is our birthday. That’s Thursday, the 2nd. I’ve taken the week off, even though I technically didn’t have any clients anyway. But I’ll be mommy all week, just me and Sophie until daddy gets home in the evenings!

Published in: on June 28, 2009 at 9:51 pm  Comments (2)