
Well I had my first real adventure as a mommy, but I’m positive it won’t be my last or the most exciting . . . I needed to go to Walmart and get some things. After lunch Sophie passed out in the car so I was going to take her home and put her down to nap longer. Well she ended up in her bed talking to herself for an hour. I finally went in and got her and decided to go ahead and go to Walmart. I decided I’d put her in her stroller since it’s easier to tote her around that way instead of in her infant seat.
I pulled up, parked and went around to the back and popped open her stroller. I was just going to sit her in it so I then went around to get her out of her seat. I started to sit her down in her stroller and thought–that’s weird my hand feels wet. I looked at my hand and it was covered in poop. Ah yes. I immediately thought–great her car seat is probably covered in it! I looked in the car and got my handy-dandy anti-bacterial baby wipes out of her diaper bag and wiped myself down and the seat out. Then I realized that she now has it in the stroller. Great. I took her out and laid her on the floor in the back of the car and changed her diaper. Lovely. Thank goodness I keep extra onsies in her bag! So we changed clothes and a diaper. I decided to use my shopping cart cover and see if she could sit up enough (she’s not sitting up good unassisted) to sit in the cart.

I cleaned out the stroller and folded it back up and off we headed to the front door. I was carrying her with her facing out. Man, she’s heavy. My arm started to hurt just from carrying her from the car to the front door. I sat there and fiddled with that darn shopping cart cover for 10 minutes all while holding a baby in one hand. I finally got it on and plopped her in there. She wasn’t so steady. I held her arm and pushed the cart with one hand. This was going to be an interesting shopping experience.

I had to get some notebooks so I got those first and decided to prop them behind her back. That kept her from being so far back in the seat, halfway falling over. Then I got a box of something and put in on her right side and another box and put it on her left. She was then snug in the seat and could sit up! She chewed her little teether ring and talked to herself. She seemed to have a jolly ole time. I got all my shopping done and then decided to [stupidly] use the self-checkout. Halfway through the cart she starts to get unsettled and cries. Then she’s crying and wont’ stop. I’m scanning items and waiting for the stupid computer to say, “Please place item in the bag. . . .Wait for assistance . . .” I go over and get her out, hold her with one arm and then scan the other items. I have to carry her and push the full cart to the car. My arm was about to fall off by the time I got to the car–big little girl!

Anyway . . . so I got home and told David, “Now I can tell you a very good reason why I never go to the store unless the nanny is here or you can watch her . . . ” A while back he asked, “So why can’t you just go in the daytime and take her with you? . . .” Man, that is a true adventure! It was funny and she was a trooper. She hadn’t had a nap afterall and she was creeping up on her bedtime by the time it was all over! She slept from 6pm-8:30am the next day!

Published in: on June 9, 2009 at 10:54 pm  Comments (7)  

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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Sophe is a loaf!

  2. ah yes, adventures in parenthood!

  3. Hmmm, wonder how David's mom, and your mom, and Richard's mom and all the others handled not having a nanny and carrying the baby before infant seats and such??!! A woman that can handle 4 dogs and David…can do anything!

    Hope to see that wee (big, growing, heavy)girl soon! I am so glad to be back in country finally! I have had to rely on the blog to keep up and so now I 'demand' real life time!

  4. Well I only have a nanny b/c I have to have someone care for Sophie when I work and so I can work! Unfortunately we can't afford for me to be a stay at home mom, wish that was different. 😦

    Sophie will see you Friday!

  5. You are not required to justify yourself! You are a fine young woman with many obligations and are doing a fine job with all of them! I am proud to know you.

  6. My dear Stacy, I reread my comments and it sounded so harsh–way from what I actually meant. It used to be the old joke about how moms held the baby on the hip and cooked, folded diapers, cleaned house–and were so strong and the fathers joked about how they got tired of carrying the baby from the house to the car. No, there weren't baby seats, or jumpy swings, etc. but that doesn't mean it isn't GOOD that things are better now! Gee, we would have loved all the cute and useful things young mom's have now!

    But in our defense, we did work or in my case at 19, went to university full time, worked part-time on the weekends, and I even continued to volunteer at the hospital one afternoon a week (hated to let them down..haha, now I know I only kept up that schedule because I was 19!) My mom kept Richard when I was in class, and the job was to pay for a few hours of babysitting when necessary. Susan cleaned houses with two babies in tow…but no one is more burdened or harder working or more tired than the other…ALL mothers are to be praised. Mother's jobs are horrendously tiring and exceptionally important–especially the baby raising one. WE all understand what you deal with and are grateful our time to work that hard is past! I admire you so much, and I think you are a terrific mom..wife…sister…daughter…
    David and Sophie are lucky people.

    So, if I in my careless comments hurt your feelings in any way, I truly apologize. I would hate for you to think I think anything but the best about you and your 'mom-skills!'

    your idiot friend,

  7. Don't worry Karen. You're not an idiot and Sophie will be glad to see you on Friday. She can sit in a highchair on her own (well with some padding) so we don't have to carry her in that infant seat that weighs so dang much!

    🙂 See you then!

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