
Well had a good week last week! I was pretty busy with work, baby and dogs! On Tuesday we had dinner with David’s old pals, David Lippe and his wife Rachel, and Taylor Hampton. We met at Babe’s Chicken. Man I love that place–yum! We called in Kelsey that night for the first time and then I loved her so and she’s going to be our nanny during the week (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday). On Wednesday I picked up a little 4.5-lb Maltese named “Pearl” and have been doggie-sitting her. She’s tiny and all the dogs like her.
Thursday morning I went to tour one of the Montessori schools I’ve found that I would like to send Sophie to once she’s 18 months. This was The Montessori Academy of Arlington. Wow. I really love their teaching philosophies and what they do with the kids! They are really big on teaching independence, how to treat others, conflict resolution among other great things! Little 2-year olds were able to pour themselves a glass of OJ and wash their little dishes and put them on the shelf when they were finished! It was so neat to watch. They were so proud of themselves and the teachers do a lot of “good job!” and other praises–just what I’m wanting for our little princess! They also have a 30-acre lot with trails and gardens and all kinds of great stuff that they let the kiddos do and learn. Anyway, I go tour another school this week and I’ll probably look at a few others just to see which is best for us in many areas.

This week David’s company (that’s him and 3 guys) are going on a camping trip to Lake Texoma from Thursday thru Sunday. I’ll have little Sophie all to myself. Of course my mom is going to be here for Tracy’s big Mary Kay debut party this weekend so I suppose I won’t be too alone!

I haven’t put a pic of our canine crew on here in a while. Poor fellas. I was afraid that would happen after Sophie entered the picture! Anyway I really didn’t pose the dogs for this picture. I walked into the bedroom the other night to get ready for bed and this is what they all looked like. The funny thing is they are lined up in the order that we got them: Amos, Trevor, Jake then Noah!

Published in: on June 7, 2009 at 7:31 pm  Comments (3)  

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  1. The school sounds like a ton of fun! I'm sure she will love it!!

    The picture of the dogs cracked me up!!! How do you get them so worn out????

  2. Kristi– RE: the dogs being worn out: My dogs are pretty lazy. Come bedtime and they are all ready for it! haha.

  3. it is funny how they are all "curled up"–except trevor. but cute. I have never seen jake curl up like that. dubbies.

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