Lions & Tigers & Bears . . . oh my!

Today was our first outing to the zoo with the kiddos! Tracy and Kelton came over around 10am and we packed up my Honda Element as if we were off to a week’s vacation to Disneyland! The sky was overcast but it wasn’t going to stop us. After stopping for a Starbucks we headed to the Fort Worth Zoo.

We arrived around 10:45 with babies both in a good mood. It started to trickle some but we took cover and it soon went away back to just gray skies and hot sticky humidity. I would never survive in Houston, I’ll tell you that! I had on jeans and Sophie’s diaper bag backpack which helped my lovely insulated body produce a few buckets of sweat. I must say that I’m absolutely in love with this diaper bag/backpack that I got a few months ago. It has a cooler in the bottom, although I didn’t use that today, and room for loads of other things. I just sling it on my back and off we go! It’s great! (For those curious it’s called Outside Baby Cooler Backpack).

Sophie had only one diaper change along with a change of clothes due to a diaper accident, then she was great the rest of the time. Those big ole cheeks of love she carries around can cause all kinds of problems! I had her in the stroller like a big girl and she seemed to enjoy that. Kelton of course enjoyed it a bit more since he can look at things, point and walk around. We went and saw the gorillas, flamingos, zebras, alligators, rhinos, elephants, bears, snakes, birds and lions . . .and a few others.

After about an hour or so we were zooming around trying to find our way to the lion den as we could hear the lion actually roaring from across the park! It was nuts, it sounded like a sound effect and we were going in a maze trying to get to the lions! Once we got there we had a sacked out lion and a sacked out Sophie. So much for that. I guess roaring is exhausting, so is being a chunky little Sophie.

I don’t like that my sister is jobless but I do like how much time I’ve been able to spend with her over the past few months! It’s been loads of fun! I think Kelton does too . . .

Published in: on April 29, 2009 at 3:01 pm  Comments (3)  

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hey, you all are so funny! Glad you had a good time and that you all have been able to spend time together with the cousins! We love each one of you!

  2. Kelton looks so big in the stroller – no more baby, now he’s a big kid!

  3. I know. His legs actually look long. Wittle man.

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