
Today we got to take our first trip to the pediatrician for a reason other than a check-up! Little miss has pink eye! I first noticed a little goop yesterday and then after David got home yesterday he says, “Stacy, what’s wrong with her eye??!!” So I told him I’d watch it and if it looked funky today I would call the doctor. So this morning she woke up with a big ole goopy booger in her eye and some redness around it. We took a trip to the pediatrician’s this afternoon and sure enough–pink eye it is! Our pedi’s office is great about not drugging up babies so they only like to prescribe medicine if it’s absolutely necessary. He gave me a prescription and said to see how her eye is tomorrow and if it’s the same then I can fill it (it’s just eye drops). In the meantime we are washing hands thoroughly and Sophie got a nice hot bath this evening!

She didn’t nap well at all today, I think she’s feeling a bit under the weather but she’s happy as a clam still and eating ok. We did get to weigh her at the pedi and she’s 14 lbs 6 oz! That’s a whole pound since March 30th! They didn’t measure her as they usually only do that on wellness check-ups which means not again until she’s 6 months.

Well here is a video of her just before David got home this evening . . .

Published in: on April 21, 2009 at 4:43 pm  Leave a Comment