Gotta love babies!

Sophie is so much fun! Sadly she’s teething right now and so she’s a little fussy and in some pain a bit but overall she’s doing well with that. She likes to be cuddled and held so I hold her and squeeze her while I can and while she allows it. I know it won’t be long when I can’t squeeze on her like a little puppy-dog.
Tracy has sent a few of the pictures from Easter. There are many, in the 100s, I think. I know she’ll put them on Snapfish and I can send the link to you so you all can order some. In the meantime I’ll post a few here.

Well this week is absolutely nuts for me for work. I have several clients but I’m extremely busy doing stuff just from home on the computer. I’m working on all the stuff for the new indoor dog park that wants us to do classes. It seems like it’s probably official and we will in fact be doing classes there. We haven’t got it in concrete just yet but we are almost there. I typed up a long proposal with classes, pricing, details, equipment and everything and had a meeting with the HR lady there today. She loved my neatly organized outline and is very excited to have us there. I did aim high on the commissions and she said she has to “run the numbers” and get back to me on that. I hope they will go with the number I offered so I can benefit fully from doing this!

Well I’m really tired and have my brain on overload right now . . . I’ll be back . . .

Published in: on April 15, 2009 at 12:13 am  Comments (1)  

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  1. Teething tablets are amazing! We still use them when Stephanie’s teeth are buggin her. It’s all natural and seems to work better then tylenol (atleast for Stephanie). Good luck! Teething is no fun!!

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