Happy Birthday!

Tracy came over this morning to babysit Sophie while I had an appointment with a CPA. She had Kelton today so he came along too! Tracy was sitting watching both little tots and she said that Kelton went to Sophie’s swing and did this. She was so great to catch it on video! It’s really the cutest thing!

Then she also got Kelton wondering what the heck Amos was doing lying flat on our bed. Amos is no longer afraid of toddlers. He used to literally run from them. He did it with Kelton for a while but I think now he’s too old to care. And speaking of . . . today is the Moose’s birthday! He’s 8 years old. Can you believe it? I can’t. I remember him as a knobby-kneed, long-legged puppy. Big ole Moose. Ok. Well here is the video of Kelton curiously looking at Amos on my bed.

Tomorrow is a busy Saturday for me but luckily I now have Sundays off once again! Whew! I’m very happy about that. I can finally be with David and Sophie at the same time! . . . Ok more on the weekend once it’s over! Tootles!

Published in: on April 3, 2009 at 10:53 pm  Comments (2)