Decisions . . .

Well we made the decision to use Megan a little longer for Sophie’s care. I say “a little longer” because I am afraid that when she’s crawling around I will need to have her cared for outside of the home or I’ll absolutely get no work done at all. While I toss and turn thinking of the fact that she may do better if she starts daycare early (separation anxiety and such at a later age) it’s more of a financial decision than anything. Megan is affordable and also if we don’t use her we don’t have to pay. Daycare you pay no matter if your kid goes or doesn’t! Yup, that’s how it works. It’s like college — you pay tuition whether you attend class or not!

Sadly David’s office laid of 2 more people (and uh his office was small to begin with, that leaves only a total of 6 people in the office now) on Friday. Tracy let me borrow the Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University kit that she has. It’s a book of 10 CDs and some papers and such. I’m going to start this budgeting system tomorrow (I need time to sit down and work through it all) and we are going to start to be more intelligent with money. We have a kid and a house and I hate the fact that I look at people who spend money they don’t have on luxury things they don’t need at all (especially in this world today) and I don’t have any respect for those people. It’s just not right and so I do not want to be that person any longer. I am that person, I’ve been that person for a while and I have no respect for myself in that regard. David and I haven’t bought anything on a credit card since I paid off our big screen TV we got last fall but I still know we do spend money at times when we could be saving it. I need to be a better person financially for Sophie, for myself . . . for lots of reasons. And so the Dave Ramsey program begins!

Anyway, for anyone who hasn’t listened to Dave Ramsey–swell guy! He’s got some great stuff and I’ve already listened to 5 of the CDs. I pop them in my car on the way to Dallas to see a client. He’s a Christian based financial expert who is actually kind of self-taught as he was just like many people in our world today — he got rich at a young age and then used his money very unwisely and ended up filing for bankruptcy. He changed his life and has a very different style for paying off debts and other great views on financial success and freedom . . .

Ok. Sorry I was ranting there. . . . I need to get some new pics of Sophie up. Sorry I didn’t see her much over the weekend again. Another long work weekend for me. I finally finished up my Sunday group class and so I will now have Sundays off once again. Whew! David and I can finally join a church, that I’ve wanted to do for a while now. I won’t feel bad leaving Sophie in a nursery now since she’s older either. So we will try out the First Baptist of Arlington after this weekend as I’ll be in Austin this weekend for work, actually.

Alright more later when I have cute pics of Sophie and her chubby cheeks!

Published in: on March 22, 2009 at 10:33 pm  Comments (3)