Dogs, Daddy, Chunky Monkey & Daycare . . .

Well it was a long weekend for me. I didn’t get to see Sophie but about 3 hours total for Saturday and Sunday. I worked all weekend. It first started with a past client of mine dropping their two Goldendoodles off on Friday evening. They are here until next Sunday–Dawdle and Strudel. Funny little balls of fluff (well ok Dawdle is shaved but he’d be fluffy if he wasn’t!). It has definitely been fun with 6 dogs and a baby but the dogs are all good.
Saturday I worked pretty much all day. David took Sophie to Grandma and Grandpa’s and they hung out there all day. I got home around 3pm and then went back out again at 6 to meet Misty at Cheddar’s in Bedford. We had a couple margaritas and discussed some upcoming dog classes and such that we needed to discuss.

Sunday was just about the same for me only I was doing dog training from 11am to 6pm. Long day. Anyway . . .

David has been a wonderful daddy. I love it. I’m on several mommy forums online and many mothers ask things like, “What do you all do when hubby isn’t willing to get up in the night . . . ?” or something else. I smile and think–oh ladies you need to take my “Wife 101: How to Always Win” Maybe I should write a book. Not really, David doesn’t need any nudging or help. He volunteers himself to change diapers, get up in the night (thank goodness believe it or not sometimes he’s gotten up and I never even heard a peep!), bathe . . . whatever you want he does it. He’s great–love you sweetie! Sophie can’t wait for Father’s Day so she can give him his much deserved recognition!

Speaking of that little lady I must admit she’s getting big! She’s got some real cute little baby chub on her cheeks and arms! I also think she may be a thumb sucker. She’s found that thumb and likes it over a pacifier if you try to replace it with a paci. Also a note on tummy time. . . Well honestly we haven’t done it like we should be. She hated it so much that I just avoided doing it. However I realize that she needs it really badly so I put her in the middle of our bed today and sat on there next to her. She cried for a bit and then I look down and she’s quiet. So I get down on her level to see what she’s doing and she’s passed out! She fell asleep for the first time on her tummy! She looked so absolutely adorable sleeping there on her tummy all peaceful and sweet.

Well work has proven that I am getting quite a few clients with requests for daytime slots. Megan is a great gal but unfortunately she’s got some health issues and she was out all last week and this week and I’ve got clients in the wings waiting for a daytime slot. I’m afraid I’m going to lose business soon if I don’t do something. So David and I discussed daycare. But the truth is daycare is insanely expensive and because there is no guarantee that I’ll have daytime clients every single week we just don’t know if it’s do-able. So we are seeking out options. Possibly another nanny. But I really, really like Megan . . . just when she’s here! She’s so very good with Sophie and she vacuums too! She vacuums! Oh, and she’ll let my dogs out and play with them herself even though I make it clear that she doesn’t have to mess with them if she wants to just leave them in their crates [when I’m just going to be gone a couple of hours].

Anyway . . . so we are at point where we are still debating what we’ll do. I know once Sophie is crawling I’ll really get no work done at home so I’ve got to have something or someone that I can depend on to watch her at least 2 days a week, possibly 3. I did visit Children’s Courtyard, which is undeniably the best not just because it’s a great daycare but also it’s 1 minute from our house. I could walk her down there if I really wanted to (it’s right across from the Walgreens and Lamar High School). Then there is a KinderCare (same place Kelton goes and they love it) very close to David’s work, which is still incredibly close for me too. Everything is still in negotiations, er that is between me and David . . . so we’ll let you know where the little bundle will be going or what will be happening soon!

Well to end this long post here is a video of Sophie after I put her down for her nap. Sara is singing next to her and Sophie is being adorable, as usual!

Published in: on March 9, 2009 at 2:24 pm  Comments (5)