Little Miss Smiley

Sophie is officially a smiley, gooing, cooing baby! She’s so much fun these days with how much she’s growing and turning into a little person! I know I posted the video of her smiling at me the other day and lots of people have told me that they’ve hit the play button over and over to see those cheeks smile back at the camera!
Ok. Well I caved in the other day at Babies R Us. They have a new line from Fisher-Price that includes a swing, high chair, jumperoo and some other stuff. Anyway it’s really cute. The jumperoo caught my eye as I tilted my head and one of those thought clouds came out and I saw Sophie bouncing in it and smiling like she does so often now . . . so I grabbed an employee and said, “Where do you have these stocked?” And home I came to put it all together. It’s rather cute I must add. The back is nice and high so even though she’s actually a bit small for it now she likes it and she can fit in the seat with some padding added to her back. I took a pic of her and you can see how cute she is with her feet dangling and not touching the ground yet!

I had a pretty uneventful week. I didn’t have many clients and I have only a few this week. Ho-hum. I think Spring Break is putting things to a halt. Hopefully things will pick up after Spring Break is over with!

Today I had my group doggie class in Dallas and so of course David was on Daddy Duty. He sent this pic of Sophie to my iPhone and I got it when I got in my car. They went to get lunch together. She’s in her carseat here. Isn’t this the cutest little munchkin face?

I’ll leave you with that. Maybe I’ll have more interesting news to report this week!

Published in: on March 1, 2009 at 9:57 pm  Comments (1)