What a week! . . .

So sorry folks. I’ve fallen behind. This past week has been quite crazy. Well it actually started last week. Last Sunday to be exact. Mom was here to help with the nursery, as you all know who have seen the pics. Anyway, that Sunday evening my throat started hurting and then last week I was fairly sick from sinus stuff that wanted to keep me up at night and coughing up green stuff.

I called my doctor last Wednesday and she called me in a prescription for a Z-pak. For those who’ve never had one they are some good antibiotics and I’ve had them before. They usually do wonders for you within about 24 hours. Well I still never really got better. I just kept taking some Robitussin (on the approved list of meds I have) and slept with a vaporizer and box of Kleenex by my bed. The picture shows the view I’ve seen all week. Beautiful, eh? It’s my bedside table. I’ve gotten to know that Kleenex box so well that I’ve named it. Yes, I call her Sue. She’s been very helpful. Always despensing soft tissues when I need them.

Finally last night I had a client and when I left there I felt hot, sweaty and just plain horrible. So I called my doctor and they said to come in today. Went in today and she said the baby looked very good, all was good there. She does want me to see a General Practicioner to see what the deal is with the sinus and cough as she said that Z-pak should have done the trick. So, I’ll go see one over here in Arlington.

Last night I woke up at around 2am and couldn’t sleep. I felt completely awake. So I took the liberty of taking some more pics of my household friends. This is a great one of Noah. He’s really upset that I’m sick, can’t you tell? And David was hugging Trevor like his childhood teddy bear. Trevor didn’t seem to mind. Hopefully he’ll tolerate squeezing from a toddler in the next couple of years.

I actually like to post these sleeping pics of David because he has no idea. If you read the comments on some of these the “anonymous” would be my husband with his in-character smart-a** comments. Yes. He says he’s so glad he’s part of the blogging. But you don’t get to blog when most of your days are spent playing your child-ish video games on the computer. Here is the evidence. This is the view of my husband I see most–the back of his head and a battlefield on a computer screen. He’s a war hero you know? Oh yeah. He told me at dinner that he had a bad battle last night. Funny he’s got no scarring or wounds.

So, anyway . . . Sophie’s got a bookshelf now! It’s very cute. It has scalloped sides so it’s distinguished and it’s taller instead of wide. She’ll have loads of books on there before long! I got some cute ones from one of my clients that is a set about a dog named Biscuit. It was very cute. We have a few books on there. We are also sure that Grandma Greer will be buying lots of books for her too!

This Saturday is my baby shower. I’m excited and finally feeling better so I can clean house and get all that stuff ready! Ok. Tootles. I’m off to vacuum my poor floors who’ve been neglected all week . . .

Published in: on September 30, 2008 at 8:28 pm  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I doubt most of your husband’s day is spent playing video games. He probably works hard all day and likes to unwind at the end with some harmless entertainment. Also, he probably put that bookcase together that looks so cute.

  2. He does and he did. He’s well loved. 🙂

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