Must read fine print . . .

Hola All! Well I guess Ike didn’t hit us like we thought it would but we did get rain all day Saturday and some wind. I got the whole weekend off because I canceled classes to be certain we wouldn’t be blown away during class. David made me banana pancakes. Amos would have liked to have some. After all that I cleaned house all day. Steam cleaned the carpet and mopped the floors. Washed all the bedding, including the dogs’.
Today I woke up at 5am for some reason and couldn’t go back to sleep. So I did some stuff then laid back down at 8am and slept until 11:30. The rest of the day was filled mainly with boring stuff. I peed a lot. I do that all the time now. This is the view from up there. I’m never alone in my bathroom ventures. Yes I am sitting on the toilet in this picture. Isn’t Trevor so sweet keeping me company? He thinks he should do it every time we make the trip to the bathroom. And yes, he stares at me creepily just like that.

Ok. Now for the good stuff . . . I suppose you all should know we are to the fine print now. I made you read all my boring days work first. But to let you know . . . we picked a name. Yuppers. We decided to take a piece of paper each and write down one name we both thought we liked and when we exchanged the paper — wa-la! We had both written the same name! Yeah! Yippee! Ok. So I guess you all want to know what the name would be eh?

Published in: on September 14, 2008 at 8:44 pm  Comments (2)  

Must read fine print . . .

Hola All! Well I guess Ike didn’t hit us like we thought it would but we did get rain all day Saturday and some wind. I got the whole weekend off because I canceled classes to be certain we wouldn’t be blown away during class. David made me banana pancakes. Amos would have liked to have some. After all that I cleaned house all day. Steam cleaned the carpet and mopped the floors. Washed all the bedding, including the dogs’.
Today I woke up at 5am for some reason and couldn’t go back to sleep. So I did some stuff then laid back down at 8am and slept until 11:30. The rest of the day was filled mainly with boring stuff. I peed a lot. I do that all the time now. This is the view from up there. I’m never alone in my bathroom ventures. Yes I am sitting on the toilet in this picture. Isn’t Trevor so sweet keeping me company? He thinks he should do it every time we make the trip to the bathroom. And yes, he stares at me creepily just like that.

Ok. Now for the good stuff . . . I suppose you all should know we are to the fine print now. I made you read all my boring days work first. But to let you know . . . we picked a name. Yuppers. We decided to take a piece of paper each and write down one name we both thought we liked and when we exchanged the paper — wa-la! We had both written the same name! Yeah! Yippee! Ok. So I guess you all want to know what the name would be eh?

Published in: on September 14, 2008 at 8:44 pm  Comments (2)  


I’ve moved over from to  They have prettier backgrounds.  Welcome!  Hope you visit often!

Published in: on September 14, 2008 at 7:13 pm  Comments (1)