What a week! . . .

So sorry folks. I’ve fallen behind. This past week has been quite crazy. Well it actually started last week. Last Sunday to be exact. Mom was here to help with the nursery, as you all know who have seen the pics. Anyway, that Sunday evening my throat started hurting and then last week I was fairly sick from sinus stuff that wanted to keep me up at night and coughing up green stuff.

I called my doctor last Wednesday and she called me in a prescription for a Z-pak. For those who’ve never had one they are some good antibiotics and I’ve had them before. They usually do wonders for you within about 24 hours. Well I still never really got better. I just kept taking some Robitussin (on the approved list of meds I have) and slept with a vaporizer and box of Kleenex by my bed. The picture shows the view I’ve seen all week. Beautiful, eh? It’s my bedside table. I’ve gotten to know that Kleenex box so well that I’ve named it. Yes, I call her Sue. She’s been very helpful. Always despensing soft tissues when I need them.

Finally last night I had a client and when I left there I felt hot, sweaty and just plain horrible. So I called my doctor and they said to come in today. Went in today and she said the baby looked very good, all was good there. She does want me to see a General Practicioner to see what the deal is with the sinus and cough as she said that Z-pak should have done the trick. So, I’ll go see one over here in Arlington.

Last night I woke up at around 2am and couldn’t sleep. I felt completely awake. So I took the liberty of taking some more pics of my household friends. This is a great one of Noah. He’s really upset that I’m sick, can’t you tell? And David was hugging Trevor like his childhood teddy bear. Trevor didn’t seem to mind. Hopefully he’ll tolerate squeezing from a toddler in the next couple of years.

I actually like to post these sleeping pics of David because he has no idea. If you read the comments on some of these the “anonymous” would be my husband with his in-character smart-a** comments. Yes. He says he’s so glad he’s part of the blogging. But you don’t get to blog when most of your days are spent playing your child-ish video games on the computer. Here is the evidence. This is the view of my husband I see most–the back of his head and a battlefield on a computer screen. He’s a war hero you know? Oh yeah. He told me at dinner that he had a bad battle last night. Funny he’s got no scarring or wounds.

So, anyway . . . Sophie’s got a bookshelf now! It’s very cute. It has scalloped sides so it’s distinguished and it’s taller instead of wide. She’ll have loads of books on there before long! I got some cute ones from one of my clients that is a set about a dog named Biscuit. It was very cute. We have a few books on there. We are also sure that Grandma Greer will be buying lots of books for her too!

This Saturday is my baby shower. I’m excited and finally feeling better so I can clean house and get all that stuff ready! Ok. Tootles. I’m off to vacuum my poor floors who’ve been neglected all week . . .

Published in: on September 30, 2008 at 8:28 pm  Comments (2)  

What a week! . . .

So sorry folks. I’ve fallen behind. This past week has been quite crazy. Well it actually started last week. Last Sunday to be exact. Mom was here to help with the nursery, as you all know who have seen the pics. Anyway, that Sunday evening my throat started hurting and then last week I was fairly sick from sinus stuff that wanted to keep me up at night and coughing up green stuff.

I called my doctor last Wednesday and she called me in a prescription for a Z-pak. For those who’ve never had one they are some good antibiotics and I’ve had them before. They usually do wonders for you within about 24 hours. Well I still never really got better. I just kept taking some Robitussin (on the approved list of meds I have) and slept with a vaporizer and box of Kleenex by my bed. The picture shows the view I’ve seen all week. Beautiful, eh? It’s my bedside table. I’ve gotten to know that Kleenex box so well that I’ve named it. Yes, I call her Sue. She’s been very helpful. Always despensing soft tissues when I need them.

Finally last night I had a client and when I left there I felt hot, sweaty and just plain horrible. So I called my doctor and they said to come in today. Went in today and she said the baby looked very good, all was good there. She does want me to see a General Practicioner to see what the deal is with the sinus and cough as she said that Z-pak should have done the trick. So, I’ll go see one over here in Arlington.

Last night I woke up at around 2am and couldn’t sleep. I felt completely awake. So I took the liberty of taking some more pics of my household friends. This is a great one of Noah. He’s really upset that I’m sick, can’t you tell? And David was hugging Trevor like his childhood teddy bear. Trevor didn’t seem to mind. Hopefully he’ll tolerate squeezing from a toddler in the next couple of years.

I actually like to post these sleeping pics of David because he has no idea. If you read the comments on some of these the “anonymous” would be my husband with his in-character smart-a** comments. Yes. He says he’s so glad he’s part of the blogging. But you don’t get to blog when most of your days are spent playing your child-ish video games on the computer. Here is the evidence. This is the view of my husband I see most–the back of his head and a battlefield on a computer screen. He’s a war hero you know? Oh yeah. He told me at dinner that he had a bad battle last night. Funny he’s got no scarring or wounds.

So, anyway . . . Sophie’s got a bookshelf now! It’s very cute. It has scalloped sides so it’s distinguished and it’s taller instead of wide. She’ll have loads of books on there before long! I got some cute ones from one of my clients that is a set about a dog named Biscuit. It was very cute. We have a few books on there. We are also sure that Grandma Greer will be buying lots of books for her too!

This Saturday is my baby shower. I’m excited and finally feeling better so I can clean house and get all that stuff ready! Ok. Tootles. I’m off to vacuum my poor floors who’ve been neglected all week . . .

Published in: on September 30, 2008 at 8:28 pm  Comments (2)  

Peaceful Nights

Well for now we have nice peaceful nights. Thought I’d share these funny pics. Everyone was passed out but me. I’ve been feeling pretty icky all week (got a cold turned to sinus infection) and have been up every morning at 5am and not able to go back to sleep until like 8am. Anyway so I grabbed the camera and took these. David doesn’t know. He may not like to see himself in this state! ha!

Published in: on September 25, 2008 at 4:05 pm  Comments (6)  

Meet Fiona, Ernie, Lulu & Zachary . . .

These will be Sophie’s new friends. I can’t take credit for making them, although I wish I could. Another purchase from one of my favorite sites: Etsy. So they *are* handmade just not by me. Cute little tweets aren’t they? They’re made out of wool, hand woven. I did name them myself though. Funny I thought of their names in about 15 seconds! They are a part of my masterpiece I’m making for Sophie. I’m still waiting on some things before I’m able to complete the job. However, be rest assured you’ll get to see the final project!

I haven’t been this creative in years so I’m quite proud of myself. David was even, well . . . surprised I suppose. He said, “Wow. that’s really cute!” Yes. He’s learning to use those words. Cute. Sweet. Adorable. He’s ready for his little girl! Then he may start to use other words . . . Expensive. Demanding. Giggly . . . . among others I’m sure.

Published in: on September 24, 2008 at 2:16 pm  Comments (4)  

Sophie’s Room

Well we finally got around to starting Sophie’s room! It’s just about done, at least it’s well on it’s way. My in-laws (Don & Susan), mom and my great hubby painted the room since I’m supposed to stay away from paint. Of course that didn’t happen much. I couldn’t stay out and did a lot of critiquing, as expected.

I do have to give David a lot of credit. He did most of the work over the whole weekend. We had the whole crew here on Saturday but just mom and David on Sunday. My poor mom woke up with one of her migraines and had to lie down most of the day. But David continued to work and just about finished the room on his own!

Mom ordered us a bookshelf and our rocker/glider we registered for. So once that comes in we can arrange the room appropriately. Mom and I put the bed and changing table together on Sunday evening. It’s so cute. Then I put the bedding on just today. Here is a slideshow.

So now I have become Susie homemaker. I’m making Sophie’s mobile myself. I must say that I’m having lots of fun and it’s going to be super cute! Here are a couple of pics of what is transpiring. . . . I’ll show you the finished product of course when that happens. First is the pic of the supplies and mess I’m making. The next is part of the mobile [laying out on the changing table]. Ah, do you have questions? Wondering what I’m doing? Well you’ll have to wait. . . .

Published in: on September 23, 2008 at 9:54 pm  Leave a Comment  

Sophie’s Room

Well we finally got around to starting Sophie’s room! It’s just about done, at least it’s well on it’s way. My in-laws (Don & Susan), mom and my great hubby painted the room since I’m supposed to stay away from paint. Of course that didn’t happen much. I couldn’t stay out and did a lot of critiquing, as expected.

I do have to give David a lot of credit. He did most of the work over the whole weekend. We had the whole crew here on Saturday but just mom and David on Sunday. My poor mom woke up with one of her migraines and had to lie down most of the day. But David continued to work and just about finished the room on his own!

Mom ordered us a bookshelf and our rocker/glider we registered for. So once that comes in we can arrange the room appropriately. Mom and I put the bed and changing table together on Sunday evening. It’s so cute. Then I put the bedding on just today. Here is a slideshow.

So now I have become Susie homemaker. I’m making Sophie’s mobile myself. I must say that I’m having lots of fun and it’s going to be super cute! Here are a couple of pics of what is transpiring. . . . I’ll show you the finished product of course when that happens. First is the pic of the supplies and mess I’m making. The next is part of the mobile [laying out on the changing table]. Ah, do you have questions? Wondering what I’m doing? Well you’ll have to wait. . . .

Published in: on September 23, 2008 at 9:54 pm  Leave a Comment  

Fall is here! Yippee!

I hope I didn’t jinks myself by saying that but . . . the weather is sooooo nice these days! I’m having fond memories of high school football games on Friday nights. “Go Cats! Go!” Oh sorry. Back at Central in big ole SA.

Well the dogs love it too. They are into sunning in the grass in the yard. They just lay out there and lounge. It’s kind of cute and I like the fact that my dogs don’t flip out if they are outside by themselves. I have clients who can’t leave their dogs outside or they’ll beat up the door to get in. Nope mine like it either way! Here is Jakey after some outdoor lounging. Now for the indoor lounging.

Well David isn’t feeling well. I hope he’s not getting sick. Poor fella. First it was his throat after the football game on Monday. He was there, yeah he got to go. He said the seats were horrible but he didn’t care. So we thought he just had a bad throat from all the cheering but it hasn’t gotten better and today he’s feeling icky. He’s napping right now with Amos. Yeah Amos is up for that at any point in the day. We could actually charge like “nap with a cow for $5”. Amos would be able to say, “Ok. This is how you do it . . . take my advice people I do this every day for hours!”
Ok. Let me know if you want to pay $5 to nap with our cow. . . . you can even lay on him like a large pillow. You just have to let him snore louder than you . . . .

Published in: on September 19, 2008 at 2:45 pm  Comments (1)  

Fall is here! Yippee!

I hope I didn’t jinks myself by saying that but . . . the weather is sooooo nice these days! I’m having fond memories of high school football games on Friday nights. “Go Cats! Go!” Oh sorry. Back at Central in big ole SA.

Well the dogs love it too. They are into sunning in the grass in the yard. They just lay out there and lounge. It’s kind of cute and I like the fact that my dogs don’t flip out if they are outside by themselves. I have clients who can’t leave their dogs outside or they’ll beat up the door to get in. Nope mine like it either way! Here is Jakey after some outdoor lounging. Now for the indoor lounging.

Well David isn’t feeling well. I hope he’s not getting sick. Poor fella. First it was his throat after the football game on Monday. He was there, yeah he got to go. He said the seats were horrible but he didn’t care. So we thought he just had a bad throat from all the cheering but it hasn’t gotten better and today he’s feeling icky. He’s napping right now with Amos. Yeah Amos is up for that at any point in the day. We could actually charge like “nap with a cow for $5”. Amos would be able to say, “Ok. This is how you do it . . . take my advice people I do this every day for hours!”
Ok. Let me know if you want to pay $5 to nap with our cow. . . . you can even lay on him like a large pillow. You just have to let him snore louder than you . . . .

Published in: on September 19, 2008 at 2:45 pm  Comments (1)  

In my next life . . .

So I don’t have a baby to share just yet but the dogs have been shared with all. I have cute dogs. Everyone wants to see them, right? Well gosh I’m loving this weather! I do hope it is finally here to stay!
So, I took the dogs outside in the yard and we played some ball. Ah. To be a dog. Noah and Trevor look happier than two pigs in mud. Trevor has the ball, a victory. Noah is actually much quicker than Trevor, believe it or not. So he rarely actually gets the ball.

Then Noah got it back. I want to be a dog in my next life . . .

Well I assume most of you now are relieved we named little Sophie not just because we actually named the poor thing but because this way I don’t have to complain about people asking! Yippee! No one likes Stacy to complain. Uh uh. No m’am.

Well mom is coming this weekend to help us paint Sophie’s nursery. We have all the stuff just need to paint! I want to help but supposedly I can’t paint or inhale bad fumes. I may borrow that mask that Tracy had. For those that didn’t see it, it was funny. Looks like the masks they put on to go into a burning building. Anyway. The perfectionist here isn’t going to be too pleasant peeking in the doorway saying –“Oh! You missed that little spot. No, there. No, there . . . ” I know David would rather I wear the mask and help so he doesn’t have to hear my nit-picking.

I’ll update you all on the pics once the nursery is all done! Ok. I must run to my doggie class so I can waddle around while I teach and get mud plastered to my protruding belly.

Published in: on September 18, 2008 at 5:08 pm  Comments (1)  

In my next life . . .

So I don’t have a baby to share just yet but the dogs have been shared with all. I have cute dogs. Everyone wants to see them, right? Well gosh I’m loving this weather! I do hope it is finally here to stay!
So, I took the dogs outside in the yard and we played some ball. Ah. To be a dog. Noah and Trevor look happier than two pigs in mud. Trevor has the ball, a victory. Noah is actually much quicker than Trevor, believe it or not. So he rarely actually gets the ball.

Then Noah got it back. I want to be a dog in my next life . . .

Well I assume most of you now are relieved we named little Sophie not just because we actually named the poor thing but because this way I don’t have to complain about people asking! Yippee! No one likes Stacy to complain. Uh uh. No m’am.

Well mom is coming this weekend to help us paint Sophie’s nursery. We have all the stuff just need to paint! I want to help but supposedly I can’t paint or inhale bad fumes. I may borrow that mask that Tracy had. For those that didn’t see it, it was funny. Looks like the masks they put on to go into a burning building. Anyway. The perfectionist here isn’t going to be too pleasant peeking in the doorway saying –“Oh! You missed that little spot. No, there. No, there . . . ” I know David would rather I wear the mask and help so he doesn’t have to hear my nit-picking.

I’ll update you all on the pics once the nursery is all done! Ok. I must run to my doggie class so I can waddle around while I teach and get mud plastered to my protruding belly.

Published in: on September 18, 2008 at 5:08 pm  Comments (1)