A Good Day!

Well today has been better. I’ve technically had an upset stomach for over 24 hours now. I feel ok and then I don’t. It’s lovely. I’ve eaten though, actually had la Madeleine’s for lunch. Anyway.

David did the yard. The lawnmower cooperated fully! So nice of that lawnmower. We are back to hot weather and dry, thirsty grass. Darn. But the grass sure is green! Here is a great pic of Noah smiling for you guys. You can see the nice plush grass around him. Isn’t he handsome? He thinks so.

Noah’s been very nice as we are puppy-sitting a little tiny Goldendoodle pup for the weekend and she’s very bouncy. He’s tolerated her bouncing off of him several times. She was terrified of Amos when we walked in the house and it caused quite the commotion. Rather funny, I couldn’t have set it up if I wanted to. I came in the back door. Amos, of course, greeted me all happy and then noticed I had a puppy on leash behind me. So he goes to sniff. She sees this giant coming at her and panics. She tries to go back out the door. I scoot her in and she was in the middle of the kitchen, he sniffs her and she pees everywhere. Then Amos starting stepping in it so I yelled, “Amos! Get over here!” I scared him and he slips, literally, in the pee and busts all over the kitchen floor like Bambi on ice! As he does this he hits the TV trays we have proped up near-by and knocks those to the floor causing him to scare himself and the puppy again! Then I’m laughing but trying to keep anyone from going anywhere since they all had pee on their paws! She was hauled to the tub for a bath and Amos was wiped down with baby wipes. Then we mopped and all was well. The other dogs were in their crates watching this the whole time, probably laughing inside.

Jake has this sore on his belly. It was diagnosed as a “pressure sore” and he was licking it non-stop. So now he has to have this cone on his head so he won’t lick it. It’s the funniest thing. As David says when he comes up to us, “Take me to your leader . . . ” Which really is what he looks like he’s saying, the big goober. Here he is posing his true thoughts with it on. Yes. Get a good laugh, we do.

Ok. I smell pee again. I’ll be back later . . . .

Published in: on August 22, 2008 at 3:01 pm  Leave a Comment  

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