It’s a Ho-hum Day . . .

Well my belly has been a bit upset. Not sure what is the deal but feels like when I had food poisoning in 1999 when I was in NY. Ugh. Like your stomach is being stretched out. Arrrgh. I’ve also got to figure out when I’m going to stop working. I don’t know yet. I won’t be doing anymore group classes after September but I hope to be able to do my in-home lessons up through October. We’ll see, we’ll see.

I got to babysit Kelton this afternoon, tho for a few hours. He’s the sweetest thing ever. I hope my baby is that good. But I joke that he’ll be a nightmare toddler. hehehe. I had to wake him from his nap to feed him and he was so sweet. No fussing or anything, he just looked at me and blinked several times, yawned and rubbed his little eyes. Then he smiled at me as I changed his diaper. What a cutie pie. He may be small but he still likes his exersaucer and is very content while you sit down and watch him play with the stuff on there in amazement. When his daddy came home he started really smilin’. He didn’t smile that big for me.

We’ve had lots of rain. Today was the first day that the yard was dry enough for David to mow. Well attempt to mow. Our darned lawn mower has something wrong with it. So he runs it, mows what he can, stops and then waits for a while and starts it up again. That’s worked so far. But it’s the hillbillie way and I’m trying to convince him just to go get it fixed!

Did I tell you I got my vacuum back? Oh I did. It’s clean and shiny and free from dog pee. The guys at the shop said, “You know that wasn’t the first time your dog has done that. We found so much pee in there we had to soak it overnight to get it out!” I said, “Actually I know. I’ve just attempted to clean it myself before . . . ” So we have the vacuum put away safely now!

Published in: on August 21, 2008 at 8:13 pm  Leave a Comment  

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