Alright It’s About Time . . .

Well I’m sorry it’s taken me so long. I’m trying to keep up with my baby website too — — and well I’m just falling behind!

We plan to have Christmas at the Greer house. Yes. You are all invited. Oh wait, I mean this applies to family members reading this. Sorry I don’t want all of you there, even tho I’m sure if you are reading this I love you anyway . . .

Due to this fact, i.e., the Xmas Factor, I have been dreaming of making my house looking nice and not so do-you-like?-it’s-my-husband’s-bachelor-furniture. Like my mother, I get these wild ideas. Lucky for David, however, I don’t have the means to run out and start remodeling the place on a whim.

Anyway. I hope to have a new couch soon. We found one for a great deal and it’s really beautiful. Italian leather — dog *and* kid friendly! What more could I ask for? I know. Seriously, what are we waiting for?! Hey, but I did get picture frames for many of my favorite wedding pictures and I actually had them printed and they’re framed! Check it out! Doesn’t that look great?!! I think so. I mean the wedding was only, what, 10 months ago!

Well it’s been raining here all day. I love it. Our yard is actually looking good. While there are still mounds of doggie doo I’ve been cleaning it up (yeah like a dog-mama should) and well our grass is actually holding up great to doggie paw traffic. Love that St. Augustine!

I got my vacuum back today. Trevor had decided to pee on it the other day. Yeah, those dang terriers. I took it in to the shop to get professionally cleaned. Yes, for those that know me quite well you all know that I don’t own a vacuum you can get at Wal-Mart or Target. Yes. I spent a shiny penny on this German vacuum called a Miele about 3 1/2 years ago. I must say it’s actually the best vacuum I’ve ever had. It’s great. It was rated high on an allergy-sufferers website. That is actually where I learned of it. So, downside is that I have to find a Miele dealer to get bags and for servicing on items such as when your dog pees inside your vacuum. It’s all spic-n-span now and cleans just as good as new! I know you all wanted this long story about my vacuum, but my vacuum is my pride and joy. I had withdrawls from not having it here for 4 days. Ok . . . enough on that . . .

I’ll let you all come back later. Maybe I’ll have pictures of a new couch to show you! Wouldn’t that be the best??!!! Root for me. Add me to your prayer list.

Published in: on August 18, 2008 at 5:26 pm  Leave a Comment  

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