Hard Day’s Night

Well had a busy last few days. Dad and Carol are in town. We’ve been hanging out with them quite a bit. Today we went to Pottery Barn Kids and I got my baby bedding from Carol and Gran – thanks! It’s just as cute as expected. We can now make our trip to Home Depot tomorrow to pick out paint for the nursery. Nursery . . . that word sounds like I’m a grown up and have grown up things. Ahhhh.

I also wanted to show you all the super cute handmade bird mobile I got online. It’s from a blog site where people post things that they sell, almost all of them are handmade items. Really good deals and super cute, original stuff! It’s called Etsy. Check it out sometime they have things for kids and grown ups! Here is a pic of the mobile. It’s not incredibly big but I’ll find a cute place to let it hang down from some cute ribbon. Don’t fret folks I’ll find something creative to do with it!

Well we have some other good stuff that I’m sure all grandparents [to-be] will want to see. Sonograms! We’ve got a couple of good ones of her face, profile and full front view (remember if you click on the pic it will show the large version). She is now 26 weeks old and weighs 1.12 lbs (so they say from the sonogram). I better not give birth to a huge baby. I’ll have David having nightmares for weeks after we leave the delivery room if that happens. He may even get scars from the flesh I will probably tear from his hands from gripping so tightly during labor. But anyway . . . the sonographer said that she looks like her daddy. ha-ha-ha. Funny I still can’t really tell what is on that screen when we are staring at it. The other day I said, “Aww, look there’s her head . . .” and she says, “oh, that’s her belly.” So how she deciphered that I’m not sure . . . unless . . . “DAVID!!! Come here, I have to ask you . . . . . .”

Alright. I just vacuumed the doggie hairs from my floor and straightened up a bit. My back hurts and the day of shopping made me tired. I’ll be back soon . . . enjoy all the pics for now! Oh and here is one to leave you with. David and Trevor were fast asleep, he had no clue I actually took this.

Published in: on August 30, 2008 at 10:27 pm  Leave a Comment  

Hard Day’s Night

Well had a busy last few days. Dad and Carol are in town. We’ve been hanging out with them quite a bit. Today we went to Pottery Barn Kids and I got my baby bedding from Carol and Gran – thanks! It’s just as cute as expected. We can now make our trip to Home Depot tomorrow to pick out paint for the nursery. Nursery . . . that word sounds like I’m a grown up and have grown up things. Ahhhh.

I also wanted to show you all the super cute handmade bird mobile I got online. It’s from a blog site where people post things that they sell, almost all of them are handmade items. Really good deals and super cute, original stuff! It’s called Etsy. Check it out sometime they have things for kids and grown ups! Here is a pic of the mobile. It’s not incredibly big but I’ll find a cute place to let it hang down from some cute ribbon. Don’t fret folks I’ll find something creative to do with it!

Well we have some other good stuff that I’m sure all grandparents [to-be] will want to see. Sonograms! We’ve got a couple of good ones of her face, profile and full front view (remember if you click on the pic it will show the large version). She is now 26 weeks old and weighs 1.12 lbs (so they say from the sonogram). I better not give birth to a huge baby. I’ll have David having nightmares for weeks after we leave the delivery room if that happens. He may even get scars from the flesh I will probably tear from his hands from gripping so tightly during labor. But anyway . . . the sonographer said that she looks like her daddy. ha-ha-ha. Funny I still can’t really tell what is on that screen when we are staring at it. The other day I said, “Aww, look there’s her head . . .” and she says, “oh, that’s her belly.” So how she deciphered that I’m not sure . . . unless . . . “DAVID!!! Come here, I have to ask you . . . . . .”

Alright. I just vacuumed the doggie hairs from my floor and straightened up a bit. My back hurts and the day of shopping made me tired. I’ll be back soon . . . enjoy all the pics for now! Oh and here is one to leave you with. David and Trevor were fast asleep, he had no clue I actually took this.

Published in: on August 30, 2008 at 10:27 pm  Leave a Comment  

It’s here! It’s here!

Ok. We got it. THE couch. I’m so excited. It looks great . . . well I went and added an extra chair in. One end looks incomplete to me so . . . I’ll have that part tomorrow. But for now here is what we have. It’s nice. It looks like we are finally getting a real living room set up! We need a rug. Don’t you think? Of course we do. Some color to add to make you smile when you walk in the room. Yes, I agree. I’ll work on that. I think we may need to get a different coffee table eventually too. That one is too big. I’ll work on that too. Let me use this wonderful imagination of mine . . . in the meantime here it is in all its glory.
Published in: on August 27, 2008 at 8:37 pm  Leave a Comment  

It’s here! It’s here!

Ok. We got it. THE couch. I’m so excited. It looks great . . . well I went and added an extra chair in. One end looks incomplete to me so . . . I’ll have that part tomorrow. But for now here is what we have. It’s nice. It looks like we are finally getting a real living room set up! We need a rug. Don’t you think? Of course we do. Some color to add to make you smile when you walk in the room. Yes, I agree. I’ll work on that. I think we may need to get a different coffee table eventually too. That one is too big. I’ll work on that too. Let me use this wonderful imagination of mine . . . in the meantime here it is in all its glory.
Published in: on August 27, 2008 at 8:37 pm  Leave a Comment  

Well, Excuse Me!

So sorry it’s been a few days! I was so proud of myself for doing something consistently and sticking to it. Ah well. Let’s see if I can pick back up on that!

Ok. First news is that the name voting poll [on both sites] has been removed. I’m not sure if you want to blame this on me being pregnant . . .no wait I was like this before wasn’t I? Ok well call it what you will but the bottom line is this: I don’t care if you like the names we chose! ha! So there. I don’t think I am able to properly choose a name when someone throws out a reason why we should use this or that or not use that or this. Let’s face it folks as long as I don’t ask you to call her Big Bertha, I don’t know that you will care one way or the other when all is said and done. So, maybe we can finally get a name and hey . . . I know it’s my fault. The whole poll was my idea. Sorry. So blame me, but put a pipe in it next time you decide to tell us you don’t like a name. I’m now officially done with others opinions.

Alrighty. Now that we cleared all that up . . . the cool news. David and I found a sweet, sweet deal on a TV at Circuit City. Of course we bought it. Are you nuts? Who doesn’t need more credit to pay off and a beautiful TV to show for it? It’s really cool and finally I get to get rid of that large piece of equipment David refers to as “my last piece of being a bachelor”. Really it made me shed a tear and then thump him on the back of the head. Ok. So you want to know stuff about it? Seriously, it was a good deal. A steal almost. If someone out there wants a TV I suggest you hop on over there. Its a Samsung DLP 50″. It’s only 14″ deep, which yes, it’s not a flat panel that we can/could mount on the wall but folks did you see the honker we had in our bedroom before? It was on wheels for God’s sake. It was one that you could wheel into a nursing home for the old folks to sit in front of and drool while they ate their nasty powdered mashed potatoes. It was big and ugly and I’m not shedding one tear that it’s going to be gone soon. And for those of you who may want to save money and buy that old thing from us, please feel free. We will have it on craigslist soon. David’s acting like he’s parting with a free night with Heidi Klum but he’ll soon be ok. I’ll fix him dinner and give him extra time to play that boy-ish video game he so deeply loves and he’ll be fine. Don’t start sending sympathy cards just yet.

Ok. My tummy says I need to eat. I’m off . . .

Published in: on August 26, 2008 at 10:13 am  Comments (2)  

Well, Excuse Me!

So sorry it’s been a few days! I was so proud of myself for doing something consistently and sticking to it. Ah well. Let’s see if I can pick back up on that!

Ok. First news is that the name voting poll [on both sites] has been removed. I’m not sure if you want to blame this on me being pregnant . . .no wait I was like this before wasn’t I? Ok well call it what you will but the bottom line is this: I don’t care if you like the names we chose! ha! So there. I don’t think I am able to properly choose a name when someone throws out a reason why we should use this or that or not use that or this. Let’s face it folks as long as I don’t ask you to call her Big Bertha, I don’t know that you will care one way or the other when all is said and done. So, maybe we can finally get a name and hey . . . I know it’s my fault. The whole poll was my idea. Sorry. So blame me, but put a pipe in it next time you decide to tell us you don’t like a name. I’m now officially done with others opinions.

Alrighty. Now that we cleared all that up . . . the cool news. David and I found a sweet, sweet deal on a TV at Circuit City. Of course we bought it. Are you nuts? Who doesn’t need more credit to pay off and a beautiful TV to show for it? It’s really cool and finally I get to get rid of that large piece of equipment David refers to as “my last piece of being a bachelor”. Really it made me shed a tear and then thump him on the back of the head. Ok. So you want to know stuff about it? Seriously, it was a good deal. A steal almost. If someone out there wants a TV I suggest you hop on over there. Its a Samsung DLP 50″. It’s only 14″ deep, which yes, it’s not a flat panel that we can/could mount on the wall but folks did you see the honker we had in our bedroom before? It was on wheels for God’s sake. It was one that you could wheel into a nursing home for the old folks to sit in front of and drool while they ate their nasty powdered mashed potatoes. It was big and ugly and I’m not shedding one tear that it’s going to be gone soon. And for those of you who may want to save money and buy that old thing from us, please feel free. We will have it on craigslist soon. David’s acting like he’s parting with a free night with Heidi Klum but he’ll soon be ok. I’ll fix him dinner and give him extra time to play that boy-ish video game he so deeply loves and he’ll be fine. Don’t start sending sympathy cards just yet.

Ok. My tummy says I need to eat. I’m off . . .

Published in: on August 26, 2008 at 10:13 am  Comments (2)  

Here Comes the Rain . . .

Well today was a good day. I have such great in-laws! They bought us our baby bed and changing table. It’s white . . . Jenny Lind. Oh right, if you scroll down you can see the pic of the bed, it’s in one of my other posts. They also helped us get a new couch! Yes, THE couch that I have so nudgingly spoken of. The one I’ve mentioned with such gentle passion. I can’t wait for you all to see it at Christmas time. It’s a sectional. It’s leather. It’s dog/kid/old person friendly! That means scratches, vomit, drool, and maybe that accidental poo–bring it on! Yeah! So all family members are covered! I’d put a pic of it but I don’t have one and neither does the internet. So you’ll have to wait until it arrives and I’ll be sure and give you the pics and updates.

It rained very hard this evening. It was nice. Now that I do have pics of. The yard loved it. Amos, not so much. He’s decided to be afraid of rain after 6 years of sleeping through all kinds of storms, he woke up one day last year and thought it would be a nice touch to pace at 3am and then crawl into our bed and scoot us out for his own comfort. Does anyone here know what it’s like to wake up blaming your husband for hogging the bed and then looking down and noticing the husband is squished up against you because your 130-lb Great Dane is taking up half the bed? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Well you should try it sometime. It makes for good story time.

Here is Amos and his thoughts on the rain. Can you see the joy in his face? Well, then here is a pic of my trees smiling because of the rain.

Ok. Well I’m really tired. I’m going to bed. Hopefully another fun-filled day for me tomorrow. . . .

Published in: on August 23, 2008 at 7:32 pm  Comments (1)  

Here Comes the Rain . . .

Well today was a good day. I have such great in-laws! They bought us our baby bed and changing table. It’s white . . . Jenny Lind. Oh right, if you scroll down you can see the pic of the bed, it’s in one of my other posts. They also helped us get a new couch! Yes, THE couch that I have so nudgingly spoken of. The one I’ve mentioned with such gentle passion. I can’t wait for you all to see it at Christmas time. It’s a sectional. It’s leather. It’s dog/kid/old person friendly! That means scratches, vomit, drool, and maybe that accidental poo–bring it on! Yeah! So all family members are covered! I’d put a pic of it but I don’t have one and neither does the internet. So you’ll have to wait until it arrives and I’ll be sure and give you the pics and updates.

It rained very hard this evening. It was nice. Now that I do have pics of. The yard loved it. Amos, not so much. He’s decided to be afraid of rain after 6 years of sleeping through all kinds of storms, he woke up one day last year and thought it would be a nice touch to pace at 3am and then crawl into our bed and scoot us out for his own comfort. Does anyone here know what it’s like to wake up blaming your husband for hogging the bed and then looking down and noticing the husband is squished up against you because your 130-lb Great Dane is taking up half the bed? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Well you should try it sometime. It makes for good story time.

Here is Amos and his thoughts on the rain. Can you see the joy in his face? Well, then here is a pic of my trees smiling because of the rain.

Ok. Well I’m really tired. I’m going to bed. Hopefully another fun-filled day for me tomorrow. . . .

Published in: on August 23, 2008 at 7:32 pm  Leave a Comment  

A Good Day!

Well today has been better. I’ve technically had an upset stomach for over 24 hours now. I feel ok and then I don’t. It’s lovely. I’ve eaten though, actually had la Madeleine’s for lunch. Anyway.

David did the yard. The lawnmower cooperated fully! So nice of that lawnmower. We are back to hot weather and dry, thirsty grass. Darn. But the grass sure is green! Here is a great pic of Noah smiling for you guys. You can see the nice plush grass around him. Isn’t he handsome? He thinks so.

Noah’s been very nice as we are puppy-sitting a little tiny Goldendoodle pup for the weekend and she’s very bouncy. He’s tolerated her bouncing off of him several times. She was terrified of Amos when we walked in the house and it caused quite the commotion. Rather funny, I couldn’t have set it up if I wanted to. I came in the back door. Amos, of course, greeted me all happy and then noticed I had a puppy on leash behind me. So he goes to sniff. She sees this giant coming at her and panics. She tries to go back out the door. I scoot her in and she was in the middle of the kitchen, he sniffs her and she pees everywhere. Then Amos starting stepping in it so I yelled, “Amos! Get over here!” I scared him and he slips, literally, in the pee and busts all over the kitchen floor like Bambi on ice! As he does this he hits the TV trays we have proped up near-by and knocks those to the floor causing him to scare himself and the puppy again! Then I’m laughing but trying to keep anyone from going anywhere since they all had pee on their paws! She was hauled to the tub for a bath and Amos was wiped down with baby wipes. Then we mopped and all was well. The other dogs were in their crates watching this the whole time, probably laughing inside.

Jake has this sore on his belly. It was diagnosed as a “pressure sore” and he was licking it non-stop. So now he has to have this cone on his head so he won’t lick it. It’s the funniest thing. As David says when he comes up to us, “Take me to your leader . . . ” Which really is what he looks like he’s saying, the big goober. Here he is posing his true thoughts with it on. Yes. Get a good laugh, we do.

Ok. I smell pee again. I’ll be back later . . . .

Published in: on August 22, 2008 at 3:01 pm  Leave a Comment  

A Good Day!

Well today has been better. I’ve technically had an upset stomach for over 24 hours now. I feel ok and then I don’t. It’s lovely. I’ve eaten though, actually had la Madeleine’s for lunch. Anyway.

David did the yard. The lawnmower cooperated fully! So nice of that lawnmower. We are back to hot weather and dry, thirsty grass. Darn. But the grass sure is green! Here is a great pic of Noah smiling for you guys. You can see the nice plush grass around him. Isn’t he handsome? He thinks so.

Noah’s been very nice as we are puppy-sitting a little tiny Goldendoodle pup for the weekend and she’s very bouncy. He’s tolerated her bouncing off of him several times. She was terrified of Amos when we walked in the house and it caused quite the commotion. Rather funny, I couldn’t have set it up if I wanted to. I came in the back door. Amos, of course, greeted me all happy and then noticed I had a puppy on leash behind me. So he goes to sniff. She sees this giant coming at her and panics. She tries to go back out the door. I scoot her in and she was in the middle of the kitchen, he sniffs her and she pees everywhere. Then Amos starting stepping in it so I yelled, “Amos! Get over here!” I scared him and he slips, literally, in the pee and busts all over the kitchen floor like Bambi on ice! As he does this he hits the TV trays we have proped up near-by and knocks those to the floor causing him to scare himself and the puppy again! Then I’m laughing but trying to keep anyone from going anywhere since they all had pee on their paws! She was hauled to the tub for a bath and Amos was wiped down with baby wipes. Then we mopped and all was well. The other dogs were in their crates watching this the whole time, probably laughing inside.

Jake has this sore on his belly. It was diagnosed as a “pressure sore” and he was licking it non-stop. So now he has to have this cone on his head so he won’t lick it. It’s the funniest thing. As David says when he comes up to us, “Take me to your leader . . . ” Which really is what he looks like he’s saying, the big goober. Here he is posing his true thoughts with it on. Yes. Get a good laugh, we do.

Ok. I smell pee again. I’ll be back later . . . .

Published in: on August 22, 2008 at 3:01 pm  Leave a Comment